“Jetsurf”, Djarum

This TVC (television commercial) gives new meaning to the phrase “up to my ass in alligators”. Jet surf is a motorized surfboard that can be ridden anywhere literally. So we took our riders who came from the Czech Republic on a south Florida waterway tour. We start in the Florida Everglades where the riders were surrounded by alligators and finish in the Atlantic Ocean. The first time the Czech riders have ever come face to face with alligators. Listen to the reaction of one rider during his interview in Jet Surf’s BTS video!

↑ BTS with Creative Director, Director, and Cinematographer, Bob Gordon, extreme athletes, cast, and crew.


"Hoverboard", djarum-hoverboard-bob-gordon-films-preview


"My Great Adventure", djarum-my-great-adventure-bob-gordon-films-preview